Securing Your Future

We help protect what you ​have now for You

You’ve worked hard your whole life to achieve what you have against all ​odds and obstacles…so would you really want to lose it all in an instant? This ​can happen and does every day, especially to business owners


We work with some of Australia’s finest legal minds to provide strategies & ​solutions to ensure you don’t lose the house…literally. Or any other assets of ​value.

It doesn’t matter whether it’s from unfortunate business circumstances, ​lawsuits, even relationship breakdowns. We make sure that your assets ​remain for the benefit of you and your loved ones - and that they don’t end ​up with someone else’s loved ones instead.

Business Team Casual Collaboration

…And for those you love for ​their future

Protecting your assets now for you is priceless. But what happens when ​you're no longer here? You might have plans to leave your house, car, ​investments, business, etc to specific family members, but what happens ​when your assets become their assets?

What if they're sued? Or if they divorce? Those assets you've left to them ​can end up someone else's.

That's why we ensure everything you have now is protected for the future ​also. True, intergenerational wealth and asset protection. It's Estate ​Planning the way it should always have been done but rarely is. True peace ​of mind.

You can't put a price on that.

A Scenic View Of The Sea From Poolside


Protecting what you have now, for you & your family against ​any threats now or in the future.

Asset Protection

Inheritance Concept

Protecting what you have for the future of your family ​& theirs for generations.

Estate Planning

Concierge Bell

Let us do what we do best for you, so you can do what you do ​best & what you love.


Asset Protection

You have insurance to cover the cost of fixing your house if a storm hits. The ​same for your car. Hopefully even the same for your income and even life. But ​what about protection for the value of your house, investments, properties, ​business or other items of value in case someone tries to sue you? Or in case ​your business suffers unexpected financial calamity? Or there's a relationship ​breakdown? Insurances don't cover or protect against such things - but ​innovative legal structures, strategies and solutions can.

Tax-effective with no stamp duties or capital gains taxes. They're also cost-​effective and represent but a small percentage of the value of the assets ​they're designed to protect. Your assets will remain your assets, in your ​name, for you and your family.

Let us help you to put a stop to the dominos of your life falling.

Estate Planning

Often people make a Will with their local solicitor, or perhaps worse - using a form ​from the Post Office - and assume everything is safely planned and guaranteed for ​the future of those they love. Sadly this often isn't the result of many such Wills.

We can ensure your assets go to benefit the loved ones you wish, in the way you ​wish. Protected against outsiders who may try to lay claim. Protected for future ​generations, ensuring anything they do, any decisions they make, can't take away ​the assets you've left for them and their families. Not divorce or relationship ​breakdowns. Not lawsuits. Not business issues or creditors.

The assets you've worked hard to accrue will be there protected for those you wish, ​but also protected from any bad circumstances they might face. For your spouse. ​For your children. For your grandchildren. And for theirs.

Inheritance Concept

Let us help you achieve certainty and security for those you love, when you're no longer here to protect or ​provide for them. With our solutions, you still can do both - for many generations ahead.


Often running a successful business, a family, investments, having some sort of time ​for yourself - it's a lot to fit into a day. When something comes up requiring even ​more time, such as dealing with Accountants, Advisers, Bankers, Lawyers, Real ​Estate Agents, etc who has the time? How can you do what you do best, with all of ​life's distractions? Let us take care of the distractions so that you can concentrate ​on what you do best, and the things you wish to spend time on.

With decades of experience working for, with and managing various professionals in ​Banking, Finance, Real Estate, Investments, Travel, etc there's not much we can't ​handle. In return you not only get professional, discrete service and assistance with ​all types of matters; you also receive the greatest benefit of all - time.

Concierge Bell

Let us help you create more time for yourself, your business or your loved ones. We can assist with matters across ​Banking, Finance, Law, Travel - you name it, I'm sure we can do it.

Contact us


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Monday to Friday

9:00 am to 6:00 pm

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Segura Ltd 2024